Peter Sharp
Social Artist, Video Director & Public Speaker
I quickly realised my ability to inspire social change after successfully leading two social movements from the ground up.
The creation of thought provoking public speaking, festival MC, video directing & global events has allowed people from all over the world to unite in something that gives tangible proof that a better, more harmonious future is possible. My life work points itself towards engaging communities and organisations in playful activities that empower people to share acts of love and kindness with one another.
Portfolio of Previous Works
TEDx Talk Presenting Life Work by Peter Sharp
The World's Biggest Sing-a-Long
The World's Biggest Trust Experiment
DANCE OF FREEDOM v5 feat. Dj Lo Qi & Macshane
Dance of Freedom (Original Version)
Dance of Freedom v3 - Festival Special
Public Meditation Flashmob
Dance of Freedom v2
Eye Contact with Strangers Experiment
About Social Artistry
What is social art?
Social Art is a highly participatory art form that makes it possible for new thoughts and emotions to exist in public spaces. In a way it makes it possible for people to participate, think and reflect about our shared humanity in real time.
What does Jamiroquai think?
Jamiroquai reposted our video to his official facebook page and gave a shout out to Pete & The Liberators
Public Speaking
Fiercely optimistic, I combine heart-warming life stories with explosive insight that is relevant to all businesses & inspire authentic trust & human connection to flourish in the workplace.
I passionately speak to audiences around the world about becoming the change you wish to see and the way simple shifts in perspective can lead to powerful influence.
After presenting at TEDx Perth in 2015 and being listed with ICMI Speakers Bureau, I've realised my calling to inspire with my words.Themes Include;
The Power of Human Connection
Life Outside the Comfort Zone
Going Viral
How to Start a MovementVideo Direction & Editing
When I create social art everything happens so quickly, having clear vision for video direction is important for capturing, sharing and delivering the message for years to come.
Here are some examples
Social Artistry
Understanding and then translating fundamental social questions that help us see the world with more clarity is a specialized skill that I take great pride and passion having.
I'm constantly thinking, writing and reflecting about how I can create my next social artwork. Often i'm shot with a spark of inspiration in a variety of unusual places. On my bike, waking up in the middle of the night, talking with friends, reading books and traveling deep into the unknown have all been huge inspirations in finding the right ideas for the next piece.
Tribal Leadership
Being able to inspire others to participate and feel comfortable with social art is an essential ingredient for making positive social change.
After I led the movement of people past 300 members in the city of Barcelona and 1000 members online in less than a year without the use of money I realised that I have the ability to lead.
Listening to others has always been an essential part of my art.
Steve Fisher
President of Ivy League Consulting Tokyo
Peter Sharp is a valuable part of every group he belongs to and an inspiration to each person he comes in contact with. As a collaborator and participant in several of Peter’s projects during his life in Barcelona, I’ve been constantly impressed with the positive impact he has on people and groups. As founder of the social movement Good Vibrations Barcelona, Peter leads a rapidly growing community of over 200 active members and an online community of over 1,000. Of course, the group has grown so quickly because others agree - Peter and the group he founded have been a positive part of the lives of participants and members of the public whose lives he has touched.
Each of the highly unique social performances conducted by the group prompts participants and the public to think about their role in the community and fosters positive social connections and communication. As a participant in several of the group’s events and as a photographer at others, I’ve had the opportunity to witness the tremendous positive energy and relationships created and strengthened by these events. To take one of countless possible examples, at an interactive event in which Peter gave a multimedia performance with the theme of facing fears, I’ll never forget how easily and naturally Peter earned first the attention and then the respect and admiration of every one of the nearly 100 participants. Several personally told me later that Peter had inspired them to make important positive changes in their lives!
I recommend Peter with enthusiasm and confidence as a member of your organization. Do not miss the opportunity to work with this inspiring and unforgettable human being!
Managing Director of Lifestyle Barcelona
Peter´s energy and creative capacity makes him a stand alone personality. His ability to do what most people would only dream about made him a delight to work with and source of effervescent positivity. I worked with Peter on several inspirational initiatives which involved creating unique experiences within the travel and tourism industry in Barcelona. Every project was a success and fun to work on. In one sentence. He is the real deal!
Tony Anagor CEO Lifestyle Experiences Group (Spain)
Creator of Barcelona Improv Group & Chief of Laughs @ Good Vibrations
Peter genuinely does the things that we all think we should do, but don't. He approaches every challenge and every stranger with a smile. Everything he does is done with an intense focus, whether it's organising an event, managing a web presence, editing videos, or promoting... right down to listening to someone's idea or suggestion or how their day went. He has a way with people because he cares about everyone. Who cares about EVERYONE? Peter. I honestly don't know where he gets the energy for it.
We worked together in person for nearly a year, creating flashmobs that can inspire a community to BE a community - to encourage strangers to talk and share and laugh and support eachother. And even though he now lives in Australia, he still works with all of us at Good Vibrations Barcelona to help us create and communicate as a team.
He has an impact on people, and how they live their lives. Everyone who contributes to the experience, no matter how much or how little, is made to feel valued, and in every planning meeting, he never leads so much as guides us to all create decisions together. Surprisingly, these meetings do not take forever, either.
Peter lives for this stuff, and he'll go far.
Creator of Emma Bradford Natural Therapy & Director of Smiles @ Good Vibrations
Peter Sharp is a true inspiration; I am in awe of his level of determination, courage and compassion to spread a positive message worldwide. Working along side him and the other Good Vibrations Barcelona organisers has opened my eyes to the amazing beauty in the world and the strength and power of human kindness. Peter has shown great skills in creating, motivating and organising a strong team so to achieve desired outcomes smoothly and successfully. He has a gentle yet powerful nature which works well both behind the scenes and also interacting with the public through social experiments. His ideas and creativity never cease to amaze me. Amazing things are going to happen I’m sure!
Creator of LEFTOVERS & Good Vibrations Dance Specialist
There are two types of people in the world, the ones who live as spectators and the ones who bring the action; but Peter belongs to a third type which is that who includes people who dare to dream while awake and share that experience with the rest.
Peter is not only an experience maker but also a path provider, he has the ability to express and show a different point of view of life through his artwork. It is true that he is natural born leader but what makes him different from others is the wide perspective in every sense of the human behaviour and sensitivity to understand them and make the most out of them.
I consider myself a very open-minded artist, however, I must tell that Peter gave me the chance to think outside the box and grow as an artist and as a person. I just hope we could work together in the future again and dream altogether.
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© 2015